M4 - CP Book Cover Design (Part 1) - Midnight Sun


For my redesign, I decided to go with Midnight Sun by Stephenie Meyer, which is the companion novel to the very famous Twilight novel. This is the same story as the original, but from Edward's point of view instead of Bella. The original Twilight cover is of an apple that symbolizes the story of Adam and Eve and reflects Bella's desire to figure out the mystery behind Edward and his family, not knowing the danger she would be in after learning such knowledge. Similarly, the Midnight Sun cover's pomegranate reflects Edward's torment over falling for a human, knowing that his very existence in her life will always bring danger, not unlike the story of Hades and Persephone. 

So, I thought that keeping the pomegranate in my design sketches was important, though I did sketch one without it. 

I didn't want to stray too much from the classic colors and iconic Twilight font, but I want to make the design a little more textural rather than just a pomegranate on a black background. The books also don't have a summary on the back cover, so I will be replacing the usual quotes form the book with a short summary. The other books in the series are also promoted on the back with a small photo of each, not sure if I should include that too.

This is the summary I would use instead: "The iconic love story that captivated the hearts of millions, now from the perspective of Edward Cullen. Uncover the secrets of his past and delve deep into the mind of the lion who fell in love with the lamb. Revisit the forbidden love story once more..."
